Why WE VALUE effectiveness
Our graphic design projects are recognised by outstanding professional design. They influence the viewer in a positive way, encouraging specific reactions such as to make a purchase, get in contact or to engage with the brand – in a way that maximises brand credibility. All advertising graphics we create are analysed to ensure they are achieving the business objectives set by our customers.
We design inspiring and bespoke campaigns. Our marketing services offer clients, the best designs for print, advertising, exhibition stands, and for specialist outdoor campaigns. Kamreno provides a full end-to-end, turnkey solution that guarantees the right creative design for your campaigns and that reflect your key marketing message.
Our graphic designers create and design effective corporate identity solutions as well as individual visual forms including (but not limited to): roll-ups, billboards, press ads, corporate stationery, catalogues, flyers, business cards, presentations, folders, banners, infographics, product packaging design, Facebook images, layouts and graphics for websites, email footers or press ads.
If you’re looking for graphic support and only want to pay for the actual time an agency workds for
How THE process LOOKS?

Analysis of the company, competition and market environment with a view to selecting an optimum graphic message.

Setting goals
Regardless of whether it’s an advertising folder, roll-up, billboard or any other medium – all materials are created for a specific purpose. Having a clear definition of the expected reaction by your target audience to the advertisement allows you to focus on achieving the desired effect.

Every advertising objective and target group requires a different tactic to persuade them to take action. An effecitve communication strategy requires the adaptation of language, style and presentation to create the specific habits, expectations and sensitivities of the advertising stimuli.

Information architecture
The content of an effective advertising message is characterised by an appropriate hierarchy of information that answers important marketing and behavioural questions such as what should the recipient remember, what should he/she react to, what should he/she acknowledge and what should he/she be surprised by?

Stylistic concept
Products and companies usually have established styles and more or less precise expectations as to the appearance of advertisements.
Professional graphic design starts with a style concept. This is the adaptation of brand elements that match both the expectations of the company and the requirements for an effective advertising campaign to a specific target group.

Mood board
A mood board is a graphical presentation of the concept – style line proposals. Mood boards allow for visual and emotional evaluation of graphic design ideas. They contain text and graphics in a form that’s close to the final design proposal.

A key element in the evaluation of a project is the opportunity to look at the effect of the designer’s work in the real world. A roll-up on a fair stand, a billboard on a building, a company folder on a desk with documents. We visualise each project in its application to make sure it’s perfect, not only aesthetically but also in terms of practical use.
If you need to design marketing materials for your business, please contact us. As a responsive, engaging agency, we would be happy to put a team of experienced advertising professionals at your disposal. We ensure the highest quality design, and a flexible, professional approach to projects.